No. 69 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2017-10-30


  • nonce-word,
  • structural parts of the filmtext,
  • communicative strategy,
  • communicative technique
  • оказіональна одиниця,
  • структурно-композиційна частина кінотексту,
  • комунікативна стратегія,
  • тактика


The article deals with nonce-formations that serve as markers of communicative strategies and the tool to affect the overhearer by the collective author depending on the structural part of the dramedy in question. Communicative techniques are elucidated at two levels: extradiegetic (nonce words that construe a character’s idiolect) and diegetic (nonce words that verbalise intercharacter relations).


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