No. 68 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Published 2017-06-26


  • Sanskrit poetics,
  • Ānandavardhana,
  • «Dhvanyāloka»,
  • dhvani,
  • subtext,
  • implicit meaning
  • ...More
  • санскритська поетика,
  • Анандавардхана,
  • «Дхван’ялока»,
  • дхвані,
  • підтекст,
  • прихований смисл
  • ...More


The paper deals with the categorical concept of dhvani as one of the most important in the classical Indian poetics and important for the modern understanding of the problem of subtext as an origin of artistry. On the material of the tractate «Dhvanyāloka» by Ānandavardhana the nature of dhvani, poetic statements in which the true meaning is implicit, hidden, has been studied in detail. The research of subtext from the perspective of dhvani allows clarifying and supplementing the separate theoretical aspects that are topical in the literary studies.


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6. Пилип’юк О. Поетологічні парадигми : Схід – Захід : монографія / Олег Пилип’юк. – К. : Академія, 2012. – 332, [4] с.
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8. The Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinavagupta / translated by Daniel H.H. Ingalls, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, and M.V. Patwardhan ; edited with an introduction by Daniel H.H. Ingalls. – Cambridge, Massachusetts and London : Harvard University Press, 1990. – 837 p.