No. 68 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Published 2017-06-26


  • emblem,
  • signification,
  • visual,
  • symbol,
  • iconic,
  • conventional
  • ...More
  • емблема,
  • сигніфікація,
  • візуальне,
  • символ,
  • іконічне,
  • конвенційне
  • ...More


The role of “emblematic mechanisms” in the theory of Carl Gustav Jung has been considered in the paper. He often chooses symbolic designations as the subject of inquiry, which stand for denotative space expression of emotional receptions and historical constellations of cultural axiology in his view. Emblematic schemes were the form that most effectively allowed to establish fundamental metaphysical concepts where a specific visual experience became the basis for the expression of abstract meanings, complex concepts and abstract categories, the sense of which could only emblematically specified.


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