No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Published 2019-03-25


  • Italian-Ukrainian translation,
  • legal terminology,
  • guardianship and trusteeship,
  • amministratore di sostegno, tutore,
  • curatore,
  • culture-specific vocabulary,
  • culture-bound terms
  • ...More
  • італійсько-український переклад,
  • правнича (юридична) термінологія,
  • опіка та піклування,
  • amministratore di sostegno,
  • tutore,
  • curatore,
  • безеквівалентна лексика, реалії
  • ...More


The article analyses the issues of translation of Italian legal terms into the Ukrainian language. The focus of the research is put on the terms of civil law in the domain of guardianship and trusteeship, namely amministratore di sostegno, tutore, curatore, and adjacent terminology. The need for a detailed analysis in this field is justified by Ukraine’s ongoing reform of the guardianship system for children against the background of Italy’s steady popularity as a destination country for Ukrainian migrants and continued development of economic partnership between Ukraine and EU member states.
The findings of the research testify that the legal systems of Italy and Ukraine have significant differences, and therefore translating Italian legal terms into Ukrainian is associated with inherent issues, particularly when dealing with culture-bound terms having no equivalents in the Ukrainian language.
In the domain of guardianship and trusteeship, Italian terms tutore and curatore have their equivalents in Ukrainian and can be translated directly as опікун and піклувальник respectively. However, the institute of amministratore di sostegno, introduced in Italy only in 2004, is a culture-bound phenomenon, and there is no established approach to translating this term in Ukrainian practice.
The results revealed in this article allow offering an approach under which amministratore di sostegno should be translated into Ukrainian by means of a calque, with a descriptive translation provided simultaneously. This combined approach minimises the risk of possible misunderstanding on the part of the addressee. In Italian-Ukrainian legal dictionaries, the descriptive translation approach should be prioritised, yet a loan translation can be given as an option in notes.
The article also provides a glossary which can be used for translating correctly not only amministratore di sostegno, tutore, and curatore, but also adjacent legal terminology.
Further research in this field is required to develop a more comprehensive approach to the translation of Italian terminology of civil law based on a deep comparative analysis of the Italian and Ukrainian legal systems.


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