No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Published 2019-03-25


  • translational transformations,
  • specializations,
  • omissions,
  • transcriptions,
  • transliterations,
  • generalizations
  • ...More
  • перекладацькі трансформації,
  • переставлення,
  • конкретизація,
  • опущення,
  • додавання,
  • транскрипція,
  • транслітерація,
  • генералізація
  • ...More


The lexical and grammatical transformations in the author’s translation of the novel «The Moonstone» by Wilkie Collins have been researched in the article.
The study of theoretical literature shows that, currently, there is no consensus on linguistic techniques that can be classified as translation transformations, and the same is about the classification system of transformations.
The term "translation transformations" is understood here as inter-language transformations or intentional deviations from structural and semantic parallelism between the original text and the text of translation in order to achieve adequacy in translation.
Eleven types of translation transformations have been established in the course of translating into Ukrainian. Totally, using componential analysis, there were analyzed 633 translation transformations in terms of their belonging to a certain type. There are the following translation transformations among them: positional changes of primary and secondary parts in sentences, specializations, omissions, parts of speech changes, transcriptions, transliterations, unification of the sentences, antonymic translation, additions, modulations, decomposition of sentences, and generalizations.
A characteristic tendency is the combination of transformations in one sentence, which is defined by scholars as «a mixed type of translation transformations», that is explained by non-relative structures of English and Ukrainian languages. The most and the least productive types of translation transformations have also been identified, where the most productive are the groups of positional changes of primary and secondary parts in sentences and specifications or narrowing of lexical meaning, and the least productive – the division of a sentence in two or three ones, and generalization or widening of lexical meaning.


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