No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Comparative historical, typological linguistics


Published 2019-03-25


  • comparative analysis,
  • lexical units,
  • cognates
  • порівняльний аналіз,
  • лексичні одиниці,
  • когнати,
  • механізми утворення мови


The article deals with the problem of the study of similar words – cognates – in different language systems, their varieties and origins, which is relevant both in theoretical and in practical aspects, as researchers working in the framework of the comparative method point to the possibility of practical application of the results of their research in the teaching of relevant languages. The subject of study is the lexical and phraseological similarities and differences of one language
relative to another, the types of lexical and phraseological correspondences in languages and the identification of national specifics of semantics in these correspondences.


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