Published 2019-03-25
- scientific paradigm,
- comparative-historical paradigm,
- systemic-structural paradigm,
- anthropocentric paradigm,
- cognitive linguistics
- linguoculture,
- concept,
- concept sphere,
- methods of analysis and classification ...More
- наукова парадигма,
- порівняльно-історична парадигма,
- системно-структурна парадигма,
- антропоцентрична парадигма,
- когнітивна лінгвістика
- лінгвокультурологія,
- концепт,
- концептосфера,
- методи аналізу та класифікації ...More
Modern linguistics regards language as a social phenomenon closely connected with the culture and history of a particular people. The focus is on the identity of the native speaker, which is revealed through the study of the human language, reflects the spiritual essence, motivation and value hierarchy existing in the mind of the native speaker. Cognitive linguistics examines the mental processes that occur during perception, comprehension, knowledge of reality by consciousness, as well as the types and forms of their mental representations. It is included as an integral part of cognitology – the integral science of cognitive processes in the mind of a person, providing operational thinking and knowledge of the world. The article summarizes theoretical data concerning the conceptual apparatus of cognitive linguistics in modern language studies, defines the basic concept of cognitive linguistics – the concept, focuses on its multilayer character, evaluates the proposals on the methods for its classification and analysis.
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