No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary process: theoretical and historical aspects


Published 2019-04-01


  • transition theory,
  • neo-romanticism,
  • modernism,
  • transit-culture
  • теорія перехідності,
  • неоромантизм,
  • модернізм,
  • культура перехідності


The article presents the views of contemporary foreign literary researchers to the analysis of the literary discourse of representatives of English neo-romanticism J. Conrad, R. Kipling, R.L. Stevenson, who are considering these writers from a new angle. The scientific relevance of the problem of transition is due to the need to understand this period both in macrodynamics of culture, and in literary criticism in particular.
The theoretical substantiation of the problem is given, the artistic concept of neo-romanticism is outlined. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of modern literary and critical perception of the artistic concept of English neoromantics as a phenomena of the transition literature. The object of the study is the development of the critical literary thought in the study of English neo-romanticism at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. The subject of the study is the concept of “transition” in the context of the changing paradigms of scientific thinking.
Considering the literary heritage of English neo-romantics R. Kipling, J. Conrad, R. L. Stevenson, it can be stated that modern foreign literary scholars note the fact that these writers have radically changed the artistic and aesthetic tradition of the XIX century. It is concluded that the transience of the literary works of the English neo-romantics is evidenced by the critical researches of a number of foreign scholars, highlighting the new quality of historical and literary phenomena, indicating their notable features, which point to a peculiarity against the background of other literary and stylistic trends, manifested primarily in the genre system, the configuration of characters, paradoxes and contrasts, passion for a grotesque, etc. Thus in English-language critical literary studies a reassessment of the creative heritage of these writers can be traced. The prospect of the study may be to focus on the study of aesthetic ideas from the point of view of psychology in the literature of the transition period, which is important for reading modern literature.


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