No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-03-25


  • secondary nomination,
  • phraseological unit,
  • zoonym component,
  • phraseo-semantic field,
  • denotate,
  • connotation
  • ...More
  • вторинна номінація,
  • фразеологічна одиниця,
  • зоонімний компонент,
  • фразеосемантичне поле,
  • денотат,
  • конотація
  • ...More


This article explores the major elements of secondary nomination principles and their peculiarities of semantic realization within the framework of phraseological units with a zoonym component as translators of national culture. The author analyzed the phrase-semantic fields associated with representations about the conceptual space of the zoo-semiotic system of the Ukrainian language, in which the configuration of the nuclear and peripheral linguistic units is established, and the zones of crossing of one field with the other due to different connotations of the zoonym component-intensifier in
the phraseological signs.
In particular, the article focuses on the fact that the identification of regular mechanisms for the formation of complex signs of secondary nomination involves determining the patterns of their semantic motivation, which ultimately contributes to the establishment of universal semantic motivations of specific digits of phraseological units. The solution of this problem is effective on the basis of the zoosemic phraseology, in which the seminary composition of the central constituents is programmed the development of several series of nominations. In the process of phraseological nomination objects, properties, qualities are categorized. The peculiarity of the phraseological nomination lies in the fact that the semantic structure of the phraseological unit often contains an appreciable estimate, which depends on the situations, actions, characteristics, laid the basis for rethinking the linguistic units. At the same time, an important problem is the analysis of what denotations and referents become subject to the phraseological nomination and which connotations are already rethought units.
For the semantic reasoning of the phraseological unit is a characteristical definition of structural-semantic models or invariants of semantic reasoning which are the basis for the wide variability of this semantic reasoning. The semantic process in this case is directed to the formation of an abstract concept through a concrete image that is generalized, abstracted, turning into a new concept.


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