No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-03-25


  • narrative,
  • hero,
  • informant,
  • time,
  • space
  • наратив,
  • герой,
  • інформанти,
  • час,
  • простір


The narrative approach to the interpretation of short stories-miracles from the collection of miracles Dewy Fleece («Runo oroshennoje») is used in the article.
It is established that the main communicative function of narrative-miracles is informative: a trichotomous description of events is presented (how, when and where they had happened).
It is shown that the plot of the work is not rich in events, but has a causal structure. The author states that, as a rule, there is one central event and an event-consequence, the Ilyinsky monastery acting as a sacral center. People come here from different places – most of them from Chernihiv region, but sometimes even from the territory of modern Belarus. Considering all this, it is established that the area of propagation of the cult icon of the Chernihiv-Illinskaya Mother of God spread not only in the territory close to the epicenter, but also quite distant from it.
The time defined here is the time of prayer, the church – it automatically turns into a sacred one. Previous events move to the background. Characters undergo changes after a certain event (in our case, the help of the Mother of God through a miraculous icon).
Thus, the author of the article in the narrative-miracles from the Dewy Fleece («Runo oroshennoje») reveals the content of trichotomy «time – place – event».
As to the role of characters, the author of the article concludes that the informants in these stories are indications of the place of residence of the character, his name, social status or type of activity. Also, they can include the dates when events took place. The character's function is manifested in the text either through the fact of disease, or the fact of resurrection. All narrative-miracles have a complete narrative history, but under one idea it is theoretically possible to integrate other similar miracles.
The article emphasizes the development of the original Ukrainian narrative-miracle, which is evidenced by the appearance of Dewy Fleece («Runo oroshennoje») by Dimitry Tuptalo.


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