No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-03-25


  • Ukrainian Eastern Steppe dialects,
  • dialectal texts,
  • linguistic picture of the world,
  • dialectal linguistic personality,
  • mental-value structure
  • українські східностепові говірки,
  • діалектний текст,
  • мовна картина світу,
  • діалектна мовна особистість,
  • ментально-ціннісна структура


The article focuses on the special relevance of the linguopersonologic direction in the field of language learning. It is no coincidence that a particular dialectal linguistic personality and its idiolect, which is undoubtedly best reflected in the dialectal text, causes a considerable interest among scholars. It was emphasized that the study of the given problem makes it possible to highlight not only the specifics of the speech of the dialectal speaker at different levels (phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical), but also to learn the linguistic picture of the world of the dialectal linguistic personality.
Characterized by the peculiarities of the mental-value structure in the language picture of the world of a particular linguistic personality, which was formed on the basis of two cultures – Gypsy and Ukrainian. A number of components (I – HOUSE – FAMILY – GOD) of the mental-value structure in the linguistic picture of the world of the selected dialectal bearer has been used in the material of the coherent texts recorded during 2017–2018 in the Eastern Steppe dialects of Pokrovsky village, Manhush district, Donetsk region and constitutes an important component of the virtual speech of Ukrainian-speaking gypsy Tahan Liliia Mykolaivna, a native of Middle Dnieper.
The further study of the informant mentioned, has broad prospects, in particular, a comparative analysis of dialectal texts written from L. Tahan and other speakers of the above-mentioned settlement is necessary in the context of the semantic filling of concepts that serve as segments of the mental-value structure that most fully reflects the process of cognitive activity, outlines the value orientations, reflects the spiritual culture of the studied dialectal personality. This gives reason to assert the necessity for a comprehensive characterization of the linguistic personality of the middle age, which involves further recording of the spontaneous speech of the informant in different situations of communication, a description of the various levels of realization of the dialect speaker personality, which accumulate the traits of two cultures (a detailed study of verbal-semantic, linguocognitive and pragmatic levels).


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