No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-03-25


  • dramatic poem,
  • tragedy,
  • hero,
  • hero’s consciousness,
  • conflict,
  • dramatic action,
  • symbol
  • ...More
  • драматична поема,
  • трагедія,
  • герой,
  • свідомість героя,
  • дійові особи,
  • конфлікт,
  • драматична дія,
  • символ
  • ...More


The article identifies the genre features of I. Kocherga’s “The Wedding of Svichka”, their correlation with the problem that is traced. The artistic dimensions of a literary work in which the images-symbols, encoding the generalized sense, are designed to project the essential characteristics of being. Attention is paid to determining the role of the subtext in shaping the symbolic basis of the artistic image.
The peculiarities of function of the symbol the wedding of Svichka in the dramatic poem by I. Kocherga are studied. The conflict is analyzed, which is the result of confrontation between heroes who have the different systems of values. The peculiarities of the dramatic action development in the literary work are studied. The internal impulses that lead to the formation of a conflict are clarified; the level and mode of self-awareness of the heroes before and after the breakthrough events are compared.
The conflict in dramatic poem of I. Kocherga acquires a tragic significance, since the confrontation is based on the deep-seated ideological contradictions of the opposing sides; the conflict is conditioned by the confrontation between the various systems of values that become mutually contestable, since the existence of certain beliefs (the ability to suppress another nation, the right to freedom from foreign oppression) impedes the establishment of opposing positions. The historical context of confrontation intensifies the tragic impulses of an unsuccessful struggle in the conditions of a limited or absent Ukrainian statehood.
The circumstances illustrated in the play help to focus on the images of heroes who are the bearers of the ideas of internal liberation from the authorities of the enslavers, which endangers their existence, but determine the intentions, possibilities, needs and corresponding actions of the masses. The tragicalness of the main characters is traced through the formation of the heroes’ high level consciousness, expressed in their ability to defend and establish their own positions and correlate them with the common aspirations and needs of a nation.


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