No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-09-19


  • лексико-семантична група, дієслово, лексема, дієслівна лексема, семантичне значення, лексичне значення, структурний аналіз
  • lexical-semantic group, verb, lexeme, verbal lexeme, semantic meaning, lexical meaning, structural analysi


The article is devoted to the analysis of structural and functional peculiarities of verbs with the meaning of error in modern German language.

The study of lexical-semantic groups of verbs with diverse meanings has more than once attracted the attention of domestic and foreign linguists in modern linguistics.

Despite the active study of the lexical-semantic groups of verbs in the German language, there are still no papers in which the lexical-semantic field of verbs with the meaning “to be mistaken”, its structural-semantic organization with the corresponding thematic and formal-structural division, would be analyzed. This determines the relevance of the chosen topic.

The study of verbs was carried out on the basis of lexicographic interpretations and allowed to reveal a diverse class of semantics from the point of view of their multifaceted systemic connections. This gives rise to the allocation of 10 separate semantic groups of verbs with a variety of productivity.

The structural analysis of verbs with the meaning of “to make mistakes” indicates that the verb with the non-isolating prefix ver- is most productive. Verbal phrases and verbs with semi prefix über-, which gives the verbs a semantic sign of oversight, flaws, sins, fault, also dominate quantitatively.

The combination of semantic and structural analysis of the lexical-semantic group of verbs contributes to the coherent study of their content and morphemic structure. The lexico-semantic group as a structural-semantic unit of speech is characterized by the semantic connection of lexical units and their meanings and categorical commonality.

In the long term it is expedient to consider the analyzed lexical-semantic group with the analysis of the material of fiction, which will allow deeper analysis of the material taking into account stylistic features. No less interesting is the study of verbs with the meaning of “mistaken” in the comparative aspect, using several Germanic languages.


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