No. 77 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-03-25


  • Ivan Bagryanyi,
  • R. Sinko,
  • film,
  • discourse
  • Іван Багряний,
  • Р. Синько,
  • фільм,
  • дискурс


The attempts of the ideological discourse analysis of the novel “The Garden of Gethsemane” by Ivan Bagranyi and the film by R. Synko was made. The notion of ideology is understood firstly as the Soviet official ideology, and secondly, as the author's own concept embodied in the novel. In the novel “The Garden of Gethsemane” these two ideologies interact and contradict each other. The author's anti-Soviet ideology is dominant in the novel. For analysis of the ideologies used in the film and in the novel the discursive analysis was employed. According to this method two works can be considered as statements on the same subject, taking into consideration extralinguistic factors. Extralinguistic factors are understood as the individual mindset of the authors` statements, differences between literature and cinema as between types of art and various socio-cultural factors. Socio-cultural factors are important factors because the novel was written and published at the time of the Soviet Union, and the film – after Ukraine independence acknowledgement. For re-encoding one type of art into another the semiotic analysis of Y. Lotman was used. His theory of communication as a sign system was put in requisition. The artwork is also a message, an information exchange, and therefore it has its own system of signs. This approach allows to distinguish, compare and analyze the meaningful elements in the novel and the film. In the process of comparing Ivan Bagranyi’s novel “The Garden of Gethsemane” and the film of R. Sinko, significant differences were
found on the plot level, composition of elements and so on. The film director emphasizes the ideological content, not taking into account the psychological state of the characters. He also omits the detective line and a lot of symbols. Analyzing the novel and the film the conclusion was made that the ideological content of both works tends to form the special attitude to the Soviet system through showing the internal world of the Soviet prison and the existence of political prisoners in it. The anti-Soviet ideology in the novel and the film tends to be identical, but fails due to the action of extralinguistic factors.


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